Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Baptism

As if a stranger lived within the silvered glass of the master bedroom’s mirror, Adam Joshua Goldberg watched the reflection straighten his tie. The man’s chest rose and fell rapidly. He looked pale, a frightening contrast to his dark hair, eyes, and suit. His lips moved, pressing into his memory what he planned to be a short speech for the cameras and microphones at Gracie Mansion.

What would happen after that, he had no idea.

“Joshie, you don’t have to do this.” Deidre's words, and the nickname only she and his mother called him, fell softly on his ears. She sniffed and reached toward the nightstand for a tissue, dabbing carefully beneath her eyes to preserve her makeup.

He almost laughed. Don’t have to do this? Yeah. I do.

“We could…just,” she threw her hands up, “disappear. For a while. Until it blows over. People do that. Move upstate. Find a new school for the kids…”

“Deidre…it’s…” He turned to her, knelt beside her, and rested his feverish head against her pink-skirted knees. “Something…I need to do. If you want to disappear, I wouldn’t blame you. I can handle it on my own.”

“A promise is a promise,” she said. “I agreed to stand beside you.”

The laugh strangled in his throat. “Isn’t that how we got into this in the first place?”

Her face softened.

“I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m just…ready to jump out of my skin, here. After…hiding…for so long, I need this.” Like a baptism, he thought. Washing away my sins.

She patted his head. “Adam. Come up here. Sit with me.”

Reluctantly he rose and perched next to her on the bed. Her bed, technically. He’d been sleeping in the guest room for the last two years, brought in his favorite things, made it to his taste. The move was not out of her anger; on the contrary, she’d offered it to him as a courtesy, out of respect.

He took her hand, squeezed it.

“It’ll be okay, Deidre.”

“It most certainly will not be okay. Do you have any idea what they’re going to do to you? To your family?”

“Dad already knows.”

Her eyes widened.

“That’s where I was last night. You were asleep when I got home.”

She patted his arm as if to convince herself that he was still there. “Well. He didn’t kill you, so I guess that’s good.”

He felt a corner of his mouth crook up. “I can’t say that he was thrilled. But we had a nice talk. Of course, after he tore me a new one about keeping it secret for so long. And what it would do to his grandchildren. And you, of course.”

She didn’t answer.

He turned to look out the brownstone’s window at the terrace garden. “I can keep the press away from you. Anything they want to ask, they can ask me.”

She didn’t answer.

“Like I said, you can keep the house,” he said. “I won’t contest it. I’ll move into that apartment Dad’s firm keeps near Columbus Circle.”

“That’s such a horrible little place,” she said.

He shrugged. “It’s just for now. I…I want you to be happy, Dee. You deserve so much more…”

She didn’t answer.

“I know I’m in no position to make demands, but I’d like one thing. I want to see the kids. I want to be part of their lives.”

Her lower lip began to tremble. Tears streamed down her face. It undid him, and he curled her into his arms and cried with her. After a while she sniffed and said, “You’ll be late.”

“For my own hanging?” He smirked. “I think the press will stick around.”

When Deidre went off to freshen her makeup, he found his phone and sent a text, a favorite quote from Ben Franklin: They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither.

The reply from Charlie came within moments. He glanced down, expecting a quip, but nearly teared up again when he read: When strength and fear shake hands, it can move mountains. Go move mountains, my friend.

The words pulsed in him, confirmed that he was doing the right thing. Trying to keep his hands from trembling, he wrote back: When they speak of me, remember me well.

The phone trilled with a reply: Unforgettable…that’s what you are. (smiley face)

He grinned. That was the Charlie he knew.

High heels clicked into the doorway. She was staring at the phone in his hands, the remnants of the smile on his face.

Her voice barely broke into sound. “I envy you.”

“Aw, Deidre…don’t.”

“No. It’s true. When this is over, you’ll have…support. You’ll have a community. I’ll have…pity. Contempt. People looking at me everywhere I go, wondering how in this day and age a woman could be so clueless not to know that she’s marrying a gay man…or…worse, that I did it on purpose. That I’m some kind of political golddigger…”

He crossed to her and took her in his arms. “Screw what they think. You’re none of those things, and I’ll defend you with my dying breath.”

She pushed away. “Stop. I don’t want to fix my makeup again. Just…let’s go.”

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Adam the Explainer

Their chatter about school and basketball had kept Charlie from thinking about what he’d come into Adam’s room that night to say. Then the conversation suddenly stopped. Adam was sprawled out on the bed, plunking his old guitar. He could never play; he just thought it was cool to have a guitar.

The worry built, like steam with no release valve, until Charlie feared his chest might explode. Lightheaded, he sank into Adam’s orange beanbag chair. It sighed and squeaked as the stuff inside conformed to his shape. At that moment, Charlie wanted it to swallow him. When they were kids, Adam the Explainer told him about the world. He taught Charlie how to get extra cookies from Mom. He told him how to deal with school and teachers. Now Charlie had something to explain to Adam that he didn’t think his older brother would ever understand. Sometimes, most of the time, Charlie didn’t understand it himself—why God had made him attracted to men, when nearly every guy he knew was dating some girl, and had pinup calendars, and shoved their elbows into his side when they saw a girl’s cleavage at school. Charlie thought girls were pretty and sweet; he liked that they smelled nice and he had a few friends who were girls. Not because they were girls but because they liked each other.

Charlie shifted in the squishy beanbag. Adam kept plucking the strings, and each one vibrated through his head like torture. Finally Charlie pushed through his fear and just said it. “How do you know if you’re gay?”

Adam smirked at Charlie, who expected some kind of homophobic insult. Their father was like that. Always calling guys he didn’t like fags or pussies. Then Adam’s face softened and he looked at Charlie like an adult would look at another adult, not a child. “Do you think you’re gay?” he said.

“Sometimes.” All the time.

“Ever fool around with a girl?” Adam asked.

Charlie shrugged. He’d kissed a few girls, but they’d kissed him first.

“That guy at dinner?” Adam said. “The guy on your team?”

Charlie sighed and felt like he was letting out all the breath in his body, every breath he’d taken in his entire seventeen years on the planet. “Kinda sorta,” he said.

Adam nodded. “Ma know?”

Charlie shook his head. “I’m so not ready for that discussion.”

“His folks know?”

He shook his head again. And his brother went back to messing with the guitar. Adam wasn’t flying the rainbow flag, but he wasn’t making fun of Charlie, either, and in that moment, Charlie loved him so much. He was Adam the Explainer again, the Protector.

“I had a feeling,” Adam said.

Charlie felt blood rushing into his face, not from anger or shame but from relief. “Well, you could have told me.”

Excerpt from Sliding Past Vertical

“Okay,” Sarah started quietly. “You have five seconds to explain how your friends knew I had it.”

Jay turned on her with an evil sneer. “They’re not my friends. I don’t know how they knew.”

She wanted to slap him. “Bullshit. What are they, telepathic? Have super-human scent glands, they could smell it from the Pike?”


“They killed Dee Dee’s parakeet.”

He gaped.

“And I won’t even tell you what they did to the shirt you gave me. It’s like they were sending you a message.”